When Happiness Became Poison
Pleasure is its own principle – we seek it for its own good. Oftentimes, we’ll do things precisely for the pleasure. We only stop to...
Three Things I Love About "Rawspiration: Change Your Life, One Bite at a Time"
Rawpsiration is great. It is a cookbook, mini-auto-biography, lifestyle digital-party. It is down-to-earth, fun, easy and deeply healthy....

Meat Shaves Off Years, But Plants Can Put Them Back On
A new study confirms the already well-documented link between eating a lot of meat and increased risk of disease and earlier death. That...

Fad Diets - More Trouble Than They're Worth
They've been with us as long as we've had stable agriculture. Humans seem hardwired to want to look healthy, wealthy or wise - however...

Six Simple Steps to a Healthy Diet
Fad diets and quick-weight-loss schemes are most often more trouble than they're worth - heading toward yo-yo weight gain, malnutrition...