"I just wanted to say thank you for all you did last year! It's been a journey and the destination was better. I would not have been able to make it all the way there without the kindness you and others showed along the way. I have been able to keep the weight off; I had the three procedures I wanted. On 12/31/18 I will be changing my last name to that of my adoptive father, he cried when I told him this."
-Margaret B., Tacoma
Open and Affirming of Human Diversity
As a person and a practitioner, I am deeply committed to affirming the best in people, recognizing that it is different for everyone. I am sensitive to issues of gender and orientation, and I believe that vibrant differences in these areas are both beautiful and not-the-whole-person.
I am a (White) cisgender, non-conforming man, raising with my partner three delightful children, two of whom are gender-expansive. Being aware and supportive of the particular pressures of diverse genders and orientations is important to me.
My practice is welcoming and affirming of everyone, wherever they are on their journey of self-discovery or self-determination. Everyone is deserving of health, happiness and wholeness. I want to be a part of the supportive community for all our diverse and beautiful people.
In addition to being a straight ally, I have received advanced training and certified specialization in hypnosis with transgender clients from the American Hypnosis Association. I am also an active member of the Greater Seattle Business Association, the Puget Sound LGBTQ Chamber of Commerce. I continue to pursue and undergo sensitivity and awareness training for racial and hetero-normative bias.
As a related aside, in 2019 I started partnering with trans colleagues to train cisgender hypnotists how better to work with TGD clientele. In 2024, I published a book on the topic that has received profoundly moving praise from surprising quarters. I continue to speak to professional audiences across the country (and internationally) on this and related senstive-inclusion topics.