When Happiness Became Poison
Pleasure is its own principle – we seek it for its own good. Oftentimes, we’ll do things precisely for the pleasure. We only stop to...
I Love Smokers
When I started my hypnosis practice it was kind of a joke to me. The two issues hypnosis is best known for are weight loss and smoking...
The Wisdom of Depression - What Your Heart May Be Telling You
Depression seems at record highs in recent years – and there is evidence to support that. Some point to social isolation with increasing...
Three Things I Love About "Rawspiration: Change Your Life, One Bite at a Time"
Rawpsiration is great. It is a cookbook, mini-auto-biography, lifestyle digital-party. It is down-to-earth, fun, easy and deeply healthy....
The Physical Benefits of Exercise
We hardly need convincing. We all know that exercise is beneficial in so many ways. Yet we rarely commit to even incremental increases in...
Meat Shaves Off Years, But Plants Can Put Them Back On
A new study confirms the already well-documented link between eating a lot of meat and increased risk of disease and earlier death. That...
Are You Ready?
These aren't for the faint-hearted. Expect a burn the next morning. Stretch out before and after, and drink water. That all having been...
The root of the word "health" is "whole." Which kind of makes sense. In many ancient worldviews, disease or corruption or even evil...
Watching TV is Deadly (and Moderate Activity Reverses Effects of Prolonged Sitting)
We all know watching TV isn't good for us, but it turns out that it can actually kill you. "High amounts of sedentary behaviour have been...