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Working with Tinnitus (NGH member discount, 50%)

  • 39 Steps
Everyone who has completed all steps in the program will get a badge.


The most current and comprehensive training for working with tinnitus in hypnosis. This includes everything you need to start seeing tinnitus clients next week: a detailed protocol and guide (what concepts to introduce, what scripts to read, what homework to give, and more), all the visuals/graphics you need, additional mp3s to use as examples or provide to your clients, an exhaustively annotated textbook laying out all the concepts, a script book specifically formatted to make use with clients easy, and over half-a-dozen hours of video training covering all the essentials... and more! This is designed for professional hypnotists who want to work with clients suffering from tinnitus, and who want a systematic, evidence-based approach that is clearly laid out and organized. The Whole Protocol – strategic, theoretical, practical, step-by-step guide - All my scripts – ones I’ve written, ones I use... everything helpful that I could secure permission to reprint - The book of how to do it (in exhaustive detail) - The videos of me teaching you how to do it – walking you through every step at a practical level - Exhaustive documentation so you can duplicate the research or verify on your own - All graphics I use with my clients – put your logo/branding on them! - Three MP3 recordings that I give to my clients - Article on how to talk to the public about Hypnosis for Tinnitus - Evaluation Forms - Discussion Forum for all participants - Monthly Live Coaching/Collaboration

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





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