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You deserve a whole life.
How can I help you
live one?

Christian Skoorsmith_High-res (Credit-Nate Gowdy)-3.jpg
Meet Christian


Christian is an award-winning, Board Certified Hypnotist. He is an international leader in professional hypnosis training, and has been helping individuals and groups across three continents for more than fifteen years - walking with them to identify what they want to do and helping them achieve it.



Christian is broadly skilled and trained in multiple schools and techniques of hypnosis and hypnotherapy. In most circumstances, Christian employs a research-based, systematic, psycho-dynamic approach that is efficient, effective, and powerful. It is research-based in that it builds on the latest neuropsychology and clinically-verified techniques. "Systematic" refers to an underlying architecture to the work, so clients are working toward known goals in measurable steps. The psycho-dynamic aspect rises in the general approach toward the troubling behaviors at hand: Christian does not pathologize symptoms but rather engages them as communications from the unconscious about what it believes one's needs, wants, and desires are. In this way one's past is acknowledged and present experience is validated, which allows one greater power of choice in crafting their future actions or reactions.​​​

The only advice I have is this: to go into yourself and to examine the depths from which your life springs.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
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